RE 2006 [ Essential Oils ]

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Rationale for Project

One reason for choosing this project is that air pollution in singapore is growing into a serious problem. We do want to find out what is causing it, specifically, which industry sector, etc., and how best to counter it, so as to prevent dire consequences of our air pollution from endangering our lives in the future.

Another reason we chose this topic is the high awareness behind the cause of air pollution, and amount of air pollution, but the lack of proper, systematic information on how to counter it. The government, for example, has not implemented many useful laws to counter the pollution as of yet. Like, buying "green" vehicles is still considered as a voluntary option, and therefore does not aid in countering air pollution in Singapore.

We also find that sources on air pollution do not give specific air pollution details about Singapore, mainly giving basic and broad information about pollution and global warming all over the world. Specific information on Singapore, being scarce, should thus be boosted and better popularized by both our research and end product.

Research Methodology

Firstly, we intend to achieve a conclusion on game type and game concept based on statistical data analysis acquired from samples of our target audience. This includes surveys, interviews and basic observations of our target audience playing games. We intend to spend at least 1 month on this aspect as it will inadvertently affect much of our game's effectiveness in educating and humouring them. 1 month or more should be enough for us to achieve an unbiased, extremely reliable conclusion.

Secondly, we would have to acquire our in-game information. Basically statistics and data about air pollution specifically in Singapore, this information can be acquired from a large variety of sources. Common sources like the WWW, and libraries, would be enhanced with unusual, original sources of information. For example, we will go to car manufacturers to acquire precise data on car emissions and fuel consumption etc. Or even go to factory plants to observe and enquire about emissions. All this information, of course, would be included in our game.

Thirdly, based on our limited "school-based" skills and resources, we intend to creatively enhance effects of our game, including research on how to create fun game concepts so that our target audience would understand and appreciate our game.

Lastly, to back-up our research data and to ensure there are no major complaints about our project or its end product, we intend to track every segment of our research and game development on a website, or web log, such that we could refer to it ourselves. This also allows other people to conveniently comment on our research, and enable us to discover faults within our project that we might otherwise be blind to. For example, if people had any complaints about our game being too "role-playing"-like, they could comment on this website, and thereby influence us to change the game concept. Also, if people found faults with the information on air-pollution we put up on the website, they could correct us by commenting, and thereby prevent much errors in our end-product. This website could even be a "secondary" end-product, giving other students an example, or basic guide, to do their own research project about air pollution in Singapore.


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